You can connect to a number of 3rd party apps for automatic uploads of your workout files.
Video Overview of Account Connections
Written Directions for Connecting to Third-Party Apps
Written Directions for Connecting to Third-Party Apps
Connecting to third-party apps is quick and easy:
Within the riding app, click on your name to activate the dropdown menu
Select "Connect Apps" to launch the authorization window
Click on the "Connect" button next to Today's Plan, TrainingPeaks or Strava to be redirected to their login screen
Follow the third-party app's authorization sequence which will redirect you back to Velocity
You'll have a confirmation pop-up and see the status bar next to the app reads "Disconnect" (for when you want to disconnect the auto sync feature)
To disconnect from a third-party app:
Within the riding app, click on your name to activate the dropdown menu
Select "Connect Apps" to launch the authorization window
Click on "Disconnect"
You'll see a confirmation pop-up that you're disconnect and the button will now read "Connect"